White Papers
Ground-Based Incubator Program
Y.-C. Chien*, D. Dunn-Rankin, D. L. Urban, D. L. Dietrich, R. E Padilla
Topical white paper for Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032
Available on 10/31/2021
Endorsed by 16 people representing 12 institutions from the space/combustion society
Y.-C. Chien*, D. Dunn-Rankin, D. L. Urban, D. L. Dietrich, R. E Padilla
Topical white paper for Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032
Available on 10/31/2021
Endorsed by 16 people representing 12 institutions from the space/combustion society
Physical Sciences Ground-Based Research Campaign
D. L. Urban*, Y.-C. Chien, D. Dunn-Rankin, U. Israelsson, M. P Sansoucie, S. Sinha Ray, J. W. Sowards
Campaign white paper for Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032
Available on 12/23/2021
A total of 28 singers from the space/combustion society
D. L. Urban*, Y.-C. Chien, D. Dunn-Rankin, U. Israelsson, M. P Sansoucie, S. Sinha Ray, J. W. Sowards
Campaign white paper for Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032
Available on 12/23/2021
A total of 28 singers from the space/combustion society
Journal Papers
Natural gas storage in hydrates in the presence of thermodynamic hydrate promoters: Review and experimental investigation
by Wei, Y., Worley, J., Zerpa L., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Kezirian M. T., Koh*, C. A.
Published in Fluid Phase Equilibria
by Wei, Y., Worley, J., Zerpa L., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Kezirian M. T., Koh*, C. A.
Published in Fluid Phase Equilibria
A Comparison Between Water Addition and CO2 Addition to a Diffusion Coflow Flame
by Esquivias Rodriguez, B.*, Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
by Esquivias Rodriguez, B.*, Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
Methane Hydrate Structure I Dissociation Process and Free Surface Analysis
by Cueto Duenas, D.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Energy & Fuels
by Cueto Duenas, D.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Energy & Fuels
Fiery ice: An overview of methane hydrate combustion
by Dunn-Rankin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C.*, Ueda, T., Ohmura, R.
Published in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science IF 29.5
by Dunn-Rankin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C.*, Ueda, T., Ohmura, R.
Published in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science IF 29.5
Dataset for SO2, SO3, H2SO4 and H2O infrared absorption spectra at 300°C and 350°C temperatures
by Dunayeskiy, I.*, Biasioli, A., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Muzio, L., Himes, R.
Published in Data in Brief
by Dunayeskiy, I.*, Biasioli, A., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Muzio, L., Himes, R.
Published in Data in Brief
Modeling of Elevated Pressure Diffusion Flames with Water Addition
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Girodon, H., Esquivias Rodriguez, B.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Girodon, H., Esquivias Rodriguez, B.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
Electric-Field Effects on Methane Coflow Flames Aboard the International Space Station (ISS): ACME E-FIELD Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame Gold open aceess
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame Gold open aceess
PLIF and Chemiluminescence in a Small Laminar Coflow Methane-Air Diffusion Flame at Elevated Pressures
by Escofet-Martin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*, Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame — Special Issue for Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
by Escofet-Martin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*, Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame — Special Issue for Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Long-range microscopy of optically dense spray structures using Ultra-Short Pulse Off-Axis Digital Holography
by Minniti, M., Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*
Published in Special Issue of Atomization and Sprays — Virus-Related and Medical Sprays
by Minniti, M., Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*
Published in Special Issue of Atomization and Sprays — Virus-Related and Medical Sprays
Experimental studies on combined production of CH4 and safe long-term storage of CO2 in the form of solid hydrate in sediment
by Saeidi, N.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Kvamme, B., Chien, Y.-C.,
Published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
by Saeidi, N.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Kvamme, B., Chien, Y.-C.,
Published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Stages in the Dynamic of Hydrate Formation and Consequences for Design of Experiments for Hydrate Formation in Sediments
by Kvamme, B.*, Coffin, R., Zhao, J.Z., Wei, N., Zhou, S.W., Li, Q.P., Saeidi, N., Chien, Y.-C., D., Dunn-Rankin, D., Sun, W.T. and Zarifi, M.
Published in Energies
by Kvamme, B.*, Coffin, R., Zhao, J.Z., Wei, N., Zhou, S.W., Li, Q.P., Saeidi, N., Chien, Y.-C., D., Dunn-Rankin, D., Sun, W.T. and Zarifi, M.
Published in Energies
Combustion Characteristics of Methane Hydrate Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, D. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Special Issue of Energies — Cleaner Combustion
by Chien, Y.-C.*, D. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Special Issue of Energies — Cleaner Combustion
Flame Propagation in a Narrow Closed Channel: Effects of Aspect Ratios, Blockage Ratio and Mixture Reactivity on Flame Speed and Pressure Dynamics
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Dzieminska, E., Hayashi, A. K., Hanada, S.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D., Dzieminska, E., Hayashi, A. K., Hanada, S.
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
Ion Current and Carbon Monoxide Release from an Impinging Methane/Air Coflow Flame in Electric Field
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin D., Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin D., Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame
Electric Field Induced Changes of a Diffusion Flame and Heat Transfer near an Impinging Surface
by Chien, Y.-C.*, D. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Special Issue of Energies — Electric Fields in Energy & Process Engineering
by Chien, Y.-C.*, D. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Special Issue of Energies — Electric Fields in Energy & Process Engineering
Ammonium Bisulfate Formation and Reduced Load SCR Operation
by Muzio, L., Bogseth, S., Himes, R., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D.*
Published in Fuel
by Muzio, L., Bogseth, S., Himes, R., Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D.*
Published in Fuel
Influence of probe pulse chirp on hybrid femtosecond/picosecond pure-rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
by Yang, C.*, Escofet-Martin, D.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C., Yu, X., Mukamel, S.
Published in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
by Yang, C.*, Escofet-Martin, D.*, Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C., Yu, X., Mukamel, S.
Published in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
CO Emission from an Impinging Non-Premixed Flame
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin D., Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin D., Dunn-Rankin, D.
Published in Combustion and Flame
PREFACE TO 28th ICDERS Special Issue
Editors Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
Editors Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.*
Published in Combustion Science and Technology
Cleaner Combustion — Special Issue Editor of Energies
Guest editors: Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Energies
10.3390/books978-3-03921-478-5 Google books
Keywords: cleaner combustion, low NOx, low carbon fuel, biofuel, alternative fuel, exhaust gas cleanup, emission control, MILD combustion, highly preheated combustion, oxy-fuel, chemical looping
Guest editors: Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C.
Published in Energies
10.3390/books978-3-03921-478-5 Google books
Keywords: cleaner combustion, low NOx, low carbon fuel, biofuel, alternative fuel, exhaust gas cleanup, emission control, MILD combustion, highly preheated combustion, oxy-fuel, chemical looping
Conference Works
* Represents the presenter(s)
Only representative works are shown here. The detailed lists (including posters) are in the CV on the homepage.
College Station,
Recent Progress on Numerical Modeling for Microgravity Electric Field Flames
by Donzeau, M., Esclapex, L., Day, M. and Chien, Y.-C.*
Laminar Flames Session 1
The 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Donzeau, M., Esclapex, L., Day, M. and Chien, Y.-C.*
Laminar Flames Session 1
The 13th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Microgravity E-FIELD Flames Results on CH4/air Coflow Burner
by Y-.C. Chien*, D.P. Stocker, U. Hegde, D. Dunn-Rankin
Numerical simulation of water-vapor addition into a laminar diffusion methane/air flame at elevated pressures using PeleLM
by B. Esquivias Rodriguez, H. Girodon, Y.-C. Chien*
Laminar Flames
39th International Symposium on Combustionosion (ISOC) (Posters, 2P091,2P092)
by Y-.C. Chien*, D.P. Stocker, U. Hegde, D. Dunn-Rankin
Numerical simulation of water-vapor addition into a laminar diffusion methane/air flame at elevated pressures using PeleLM
by B. Esquivias Rodriguez, H. Girodon, Y.-C. Chien*
Laminar Flames
39th International Symposium on Combustionosion (ISOC) (Posters, 2P091,2P092)
CFD Modeling of Pressurized Laminar Coflow (non-premixed) Diffusion Flames with Water Addition
by Girodon, H., Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.*
Laminar Flames
28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
by Girodon, H., Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.*
Laminar Flames
28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
Initial Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Fire Extinguishment
by Jeon, E.*, Tahim, G. S.*, Saeidi, N. and Chien, Y.-C.
Fires and Fire Safety Session
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring) – Hybrid
by Jeon, E.*, Tahim, G. S.*, Saeidi, N. and Chien, Y.-C.
Fires and Fire Safety Session
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring) – Hybrid
MD Simulations of Methane Hydrate Dissociation Under Temperature Step and Ramping
by Cueto Duenas, D.* and Chien, Y.-C.
E-Poster in Engineering,
American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (AAAS) – Virtual
by Cueto Duenas, D.* and Chien, Y.-C.
E-Poster in Engineering,
American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (AAAS) – Virtual
Recent Progress in Preparation for PeleLM CFD of Ion-Driven Winds from Diffusion Flames (selected PSI project)
by Chien, Y.-C.*
Combustion 3 short talk
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting
by Chien, Y.-C.*
Combustion 3 short talk
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting
SO3/H2SO4 continuous real-time sensor demonstration at a power plant
by Kriesel, J.*, Dunayevskiy, I., Biasioli, A., Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C., Muzio, L., Spang, B., Shiomoto, G. and Himes, R.
S38th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference (IPCC) – Virtual
by Kriesel, J.*, Dunayevskiy, I., Biasioli, A., Dunn-Rankin, D., Chien, Y.-C., Muzio, L., Spang, B., Shiomoto, G. and Himes, R.
S38th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference (IPCC) – Virtual
Digital Hologram Construction and Reconstruction Optimization for Sprays using Optical Software
by Torres, J.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Diagnostic Techniques Session
The 15th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS) – Virtual
by Torres, J.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Diagnostic Techniques Session
The 15th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS) – Virtual
College Station,
Numerical Simulation of Water-vapor Addition into a Methane Diffusion Flame at High Pressures
by Esquivias, B.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Laminar Flames Session
The 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting – Virtual
by Esquivias, B.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Laminar Flames Session
The 12th U.S. National Combustion Meeting – Virtual
Long-range Microscopy of Primary Atomization Fluid Structures in Diesel Sprays Using Ultra-Short Pulse Off-Axis Digital Holography
by Minniti, M., Dunn-Rankin, D.* and Chien, Y.-C.
Advances in Spray Diagnostics, Technical Sessions – Track 1
Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas) – Virtual
by Minniti, M., Dunn-Rankin, D.* and Chien, Y.-C.
Advances in Spray Diagnostics, Technical Sessions – Track 1
Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS-Americas) – Virtual
Microgravity Experiments Examining Electric Field Effects on Laminar Methane Gas-Jet Diffusion Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Combustion 1 Session,
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting (Presentation)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Combustion 1 Session,
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting (Presentation)
Microgravity Experiments with Methane Jet Flames under Electric Field Influence on-board the International Space Station (ISS)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Laminar Flames Session,
Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Laminar Flames Session,
Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC)
Ion Current and Flame Changes with Electric Fields in Microgravity
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Laminar Flames Session,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Laminar Flames Session,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Exploring Continuous Monitoring Methods for SO3 and H2SO4 in Flue gas Conditions
by Biasioli, A.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Coal, Biomass Combustion, and Gasification Session,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Biasioli, A.*, Dunn-Rankin, D. and Chien, Y.-C.
Coal, Biomass Combustion, and Gasification Session,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Investigation of Combustion Behavior of a hot air Balloon Burner
by Hernandez, C.*, Albalawi, F., Vuong, C., Tanaka, M.*, Chien, Y.-C. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Other Topic,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Hernandez, C.*, Albalawi, F., Vuong, C., Tanaka, M.*, Chien, Y.-C. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Other Topic,
The 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Washington DC
Microgravity Experiments of Electric Field Effects on Laminar Ethylene/Air Diffusion Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting (Presentation)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting (Presentation)
Electric Field Effects on Flames in Microgravity on the International Space Station
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Central States Section Combustion Institute Spring meeting
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Tinajero, J., Stocker, D., Hegde, U. and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Central States Section Combustion Institute Spring meeting
Direct comparison of simulated OH fluorescence and experimental results in a non-premixed laminar diffusion coflow flame at high pressure conditions
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Torredemer, A., Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Fall)
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Torredemer, A., Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Fall)
Exploring Continuous Monitoring Methods for SO3 in Flue Gas Conditions
by Biasioli, A.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Fall)
by Biasioli, A.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Fall)
Gas hydrate flame color during combustion
by Chien, Y.-C. and Dunn-Rankin, D.*
10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Chien, Y.-C. and Dunn-Rankin, D.*
10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
High pressure effects on PLIF of a nonpremixed coflow flame
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.C., Dunn-Rankin, D.
10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.C., Dunn-Rankin, D.
10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Surfactant Enhanced Methane Hydrate Growth in Quiescent Sodium Chloride Solutions
by Mason, E., Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9)
by Mason, E., Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9)
Gas hydrate flame color during combustion
by Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9)
by Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9)
Two-Line OH PLIF Temperature Measurements of Flames Near a Quenching Plate
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)(Regular poster presentation acceptance based on full paper)
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)(Regular poster presentation acceptance based on full paper)
Non-Premixed Impinging Flames and CO Release under the Influence of an Electric Field
by Chien, Y.C.*, Escofet-Martin, D., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
by Chien, Y.C.*, Escofet-Martin, D., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
CO Emission from an Impinging Non-Premixed Flame under the Influence of an Electric Field
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin, D., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Escofet-Martin, D., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
Two-photon CO PLIF of flames near a quenching plate
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
by Escofet-Martin, D.*, Chien, Y.-C., Dunn-Rankin, D.
9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting
OH PLIF of an impinging flame
by Escofet-Martin D.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring)
by Escofet-Martin D.*, Chien, Y.-C., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring)
Temperature measurement over a quenching plate with electric field flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute (WSSCI-Spring)
Electric Aspects of Impinging Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Yamashita, K., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Yamashita, K., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS)
Electric Field Effects on Carbon Monoxide Release from Impinging Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.*, and Dunn-Rankin, D.
The 8th US National Combustion Meeting
by Chien, Y.-C.*, and Dunn-Rankin, D.
The 8th US National Combustion Meeting
The influence of Electric Field Power Systems on flame behavior
by Yamashita, K., Chien, Y.-C., Karnani, S.*, Dunn-Rankin, D.
The 8th US National Combustion Meeting
by Yamashita, K., Chien, Y.-C., Karnani, S.*, Dunn-Rankin, D.
The 8th US National Combustion Meeting
Tomographic Analysis of Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption by Carbon Monoxide
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Garman, J., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute
by Chien, Y.-C.*, Garman, J., and Dunn-Rankin, D.
Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute
Mar. 2008
Development of Chemiluminescence Sensor for Combustion Measurements
by Cheng, T.-S., Chien, Y.-C., Chao, Y.-C., Li, Y.-H., Wu, C.-Y., and Cheng, Y.-Y.
The 18th Energy and Combustion Meeting
by Cheng, T.-S., Chien, Y.-C., Chao, Y.-C., Li, Y.-H., Wu, C.-Y., and Cheng, Y.-Y.
The 18th Energy and Combustion Meeting
Mar. 2006
Structure and Stabilization Mechanism of a Microjet Methane Diffusion Flame Near Extinction
by Chen, C.-P., Chao, Y.-C., Wu, C.Y. Lien, Y.-S., Chien, Y.-C., and Cheng, T.-S.
The 16th Energy and Combustion Meeting
by Chen, C.-P., Chao, Y.-C., Wu, C.Y. Lien, Y.-S., Chien, Y.-C., and Cheng, T.-S.
The 16th Energy and Combustion Meeting
NCKU Library
July 2007
July 2007
Development of a Chemiluminescence Diagnose system for Combustion Measurements
by Chien, Y.-C.
Thesis of Master degree
Department Aeronautics and Astronautics
National Cheng Kung University
by Chien, Y.-C.
Thesis of Master degree
Department Aeronautics and Astronautics
National Cheng Kung University
UCI Library
Dec. 2014
(2015 degree)
Dec. 2014
(2015 degree)
Electrical Aspects of Impinging Flames
by Chien, Y.-C.
Dissertation of Ph.D. degree
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California Irvine
by Chien, Y.-C.
Dissertation of Ph.D. degree
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California Irvine