2021 Winter Design Review

This is the virtual map of the HSSoE Senior Design Review.
It seems that there are more departments participating this time (than Fall).

There were technical issues during the first hour of the event, and showing a blank page. The IT team tried their best to troubleshoot and the event is back online an hour after.

The Hot Air Balloon – Engineering design project is here again. This quarter we have two new members and everyone is trying their best during the pandemic work from home  (WFH) remote instruction. We admit that it is indeed a challenge for designing parts without physically being there. HAB-E is not the most popular team, but we are here every year. Rain or shine, in-person or virtual, with progresses.

Spring Design Review Display Day

The third quarter of the senior design project crossing 2018 – 2019. There are several great design projects motivated by different competitions such as different types of racecar, UAV/plane team projects. I was caught when conversing with a team member from the ConSat project (middle in the photograph).

I served as a judge in the Spring Design Project display. It is tough for the students to balance between the real-painful learning experience and the simple experience.

Life is a journey learning doing things you don’t like, and keep on going until you are love in it. That is called enjoy.

@uciengineering on instagram by The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at UC Irvine 
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