ASGSR 2019 – American Society for Gravitational and Space Research: E-FIELD Flames

Dr. Chien presented “Microgravity Experiments Examining Electric Field Effects on Laminar Methane Gas-Jet Diffusion Flames,” at American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Annual Meeting 2019 in Denver.

It was snowing outside during the talk.

Early ISS results are presented at the U.S. National Combustion Meeting: Electric-Field Effects on Laminar Diffusion Flames (E-FIELD Flames)

Dr. Chien presented early ISS results of methane diffusion flame using coflow burner without coflowing gas at two different fuel concentration from the paper “Ion Current and Flame Changes with Electric Fields in Microgravity”. (see @space.flames below) She also served as the session chair of Laminar Flames.

Her supervised undergraduate senior design project team, Hot Air Balloon – Engineering, also attend and presented their hot air balloon emission measurement work.

@space.flames on facebook by NASA