I was surprised and happy to receive an endorsement invitation for this science fiction novel.
This is my first endorsement. It actually took me a full week to formulate my thoughts in catching what I was asked for by this invitation. Of course, I did not get to know the detailed process/steps until having a couple more email interactions, and what was not clear was the date assigned for review. This seems familiar as if reviewing papers/proposals, but the only difference is that this is reviewing an entire book and within a couple of weeks.
I did request an extension to give myself extra time during the break to read. Even though it is only a couple of sentences of a book blurb, I wanted to be honest in my words that reflect the best perspective, and I wanted to be sure that the blurb read properly in Mandarin (and English).
“The camera flashes between the low earth orbit International Space Station (ISS) and the earth. The stories are weaving together within a realistic framework. Dashing through modern science and the author’s fictitious events. Florescent and bewildered; bizarre and curvy. It is a work of making the sci-fi aerospace dream come true.” ── Dr. Yu-Chien Chien, Lead NASA ACME E-FIELD Flames Scientist at UCI & Director of LFA
“鏡頭閃爍於低軌道上的國際太空站與地球之間,以接近真實題材為框架編織而成的故事,遊走穿梭於當代科學和作者幻想的虛實之中,撲朔且迷離、離奇又曲折,是一圓現代版的科幻航太夢之作。” ──爾灣加州大學 NASA ACME E-FIELD Flames 太空實驗首席科學家暨 Lasers, Flames & Aerosols 研究團隊主任,簡毓倩博士
The book is Winter World (The Long Winter) by A.G. Riddle.
Winter World (The Long Winter)
Published 1/26/2021
The Solar War
Published 3/02/2021
The Lost Colony
Published 3/30/2021 — By A.G. Riddle
Cité Publishing (Taiwan, Traditional Mandarin Version)