Miramar Airshow #3.5

This is my 4th time at the Miramar base, but the 3rd “Miramar Airshow” specifically.

B-52H Stratofortress, Photo credit: a passionate airshow participant

I was asked at the airshow, “Is this your first time here?” I stumbled through my words since everything feels like more than “10 years ago” and all memories are blended by now.

I was here in 2009, 2011, and 2012, and it was the 100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation in February of 2011. I have been waiting so long since the pandemic halted activities for the past two years.

The pink wrist band for observation deck chalet

I got observation deck chalet access with water dispenser access and the separated portable restrooms this time. The chalet section was shaded under the tent. There were around 20 rows of seats and a large opening area directly under the sun in front of the tent section. This provides the flexibility to hop outside for the airshow and hide back under the shade as needed.

One new thing to me is the reinforcement of the clear bag policy which became more strict in details since the COVID-19 year in 2020, such as what personal bags no longer allowed, and what are the acceptable clear bag maximum sizes. Therefore, I prepared a 5 dollars cash to purchase a Miramar Airshow clear bag (orange-red strip in the photo) before entering the venue. As we know, we rarely use cash ever since the pandemic!

Here is the plan. I decided to only grab one lens with my DSLR, without the camera bag, plus a ziplock with some essentials, just to keep it simple. I put the ziplock into the clear bag once I got it at the entrance.

The airshow is amazing and as always! Vicky Benzing demonstrated her flight skills in all kinds of ways, and she has a phD in chemistry! The photograph with a red plane was her performance that I filmed, and it reminds me of the inverted Jenny (from the stamp history that was printed upside down).

And I did not forget to visit the NASA vendor booth saying hello to the JPL people and took/stole some more NASA stickers for my project students since I ran out of them from my stash. I also need more ACME stickers!

Vicky Benzing, a woman pilot/instructor (Left) NASA booth visit (Right), Photo credit: YCC

I noticed a huge difference from this visit compared to my past visits 10+ years ago. Not only am I able to capture every word from the vocal/broadcast person in the airshow, so I can hold my camera chasing in the right direction, but also see the whole event with better clarity, which is the main growth from my own professional development and also from the perspective of recognizing diversity business in the society. A very simple example is that the airshow printed brochure shows a slightly different schedule than the one online, and it is actually slightly different on the day, which in short, in my words is “it is normal.” with meanings behind and understanding.

Here are some photos that I took.

F/A-18 Blue Angeles photographed by YCC

My Boeing 777 engine earrings with C-5 Super Galaxy, Photo credit: YCC selfie

F-35A Lightning, Photo credit: a passionate airshow participant

At the end of the day, I visited the White Lab for a pint of beer with their special house yeast and enjoyed the first time Napali cuisine for dinner. I did get a distinct tan line from standing outside watching the airshow and taking photos – It is a happiness tan!


Miramar航空秀 — 第3.5次!?

這是我第四次造訪Miramar航空基地, 但準確來說是第三次的「Miramar航空秀」。

B-52H Stratofortress, 攝影:熱情路人甲

在航空秀被路人乙問到, 「這是妳第一次來看飛機嗎?」我想了一下才支吾的回答,畢竟用現在的記憶回想,總覺得一切都模糊和壓縮成大概都是十多年前的事情罷!



今年對我來說的新鮮事,就是他們強制執行入場能帶的東西。clear bag policy透明包包安全規範 打從911後一直都隱隱約約的存在,但是從COVID-19開始,能帶的貼身小包細節,還有透明袋子的尺寸都開始變得絕對明確(通常是球賽和航空秀的場合)。因此,我口袋準備好了五元現金鈔票,在入場安檢前,買了Miramar航空秀的透明袋(照片裡橘紅色的提把),畢竟疫情開始之後,我就幾乎沒有使用過現鈔了!


航空秀不論來幾次都是超正點,超震撼!維姬Vicky Benzing在航空秀表演了她飛行的各種姿態技巧,而她擁有化學博士的學位!下方照片裡紅色的飛機,就是我當天錄影截圖的一個顛倒的飛行姿態,讓我想起了美國郵票inverted Jenny顛倒的珍妮(由於印刷工排版錯誤把飛機放顛倒,後來增值)。


女飛行員教練維姬Vicky Benzing(左) NASA攤位拜訪取回的貼紙(右), 攝影:簡毓倩



藍天使 F/A-18 大黃蜂, 攝影:簡毓倩

我戴著波音777引擎耳環和C-5 Super Galaxy, 攝影:自拍

F-35A Lightning, 攝影:熱情路人丙

